I just said this a moment ago, but I need to say it again. This might be my last chance to make the pitch. Well here it is: JOIN TEAM 33. You have a chance to help millions of Americans challenged by arthritis and over 100 related diseases. When I started this little project, I set a goal based on an arbitrary number - $3300. I didn't really think we'd get anywhere close to it. But here we are on the cusp of passing it. It's been incredibly heartwarming and exhilarating to see all this support you've given. THANK YOU SO MUCH. And there is still time. We're just a little bit away from the magic goal. You can be the one to push us over the line. And if you are looking for something fun to do on Saturday morning, come on out to Atlantic Station and walk with us. We'll have a tent there. There'll be music, games, kids, dogs, a Hall of Fame baseball player and, oh yes, cake. This is your chance at IMMORTALITY. Click the link down at the bottom. It's a good cause. And if I've offered you a couple of seconds of semi-entertainment each day for the last month or so, that's got to be worth something, right?
THREE IS A MAGIC NUMBER. It's what makes up our magic number, 33.
I've hit a lot of three stuff already. So I'll just hit the most important thing.

Other awesome threes:
Babe Ruth
Babe Ruth
The Intimidator
Bob Marley's "Three Little Birds"
Tripel Belgian ales
The Three Stooges
The Three Tenors
Three-toed sloths (MUST WATCH CLIP)
Three Cups of Tea
Three Philosophers Ale
Three Dollar Cafe wings
Three Sheets with Zane Lamprey
The Three Musketeers movie (according to Charlie Thompson)
Three Men and a Baby.
And finally, we cannot mention the number 3 without mentioning those three INfamous heroes that saved the village of Santa Poco, Mexico: Lucky Day, Dusty Bottoms and Ned Nederlander. They faced down the terror that is El Guapo and didn't flinch. Now, for some shyness is their personal El Guapo. For others, a lack of education is their El Guapo. For the Three Amigos, El Guapo was a big, dangerous guy who wanted to kill them.
And for over 47,000,000 Americans, Arthritis is their El Guapo. But you can spend the next 24 hours sewing a mariachi costume and meet me at Atlantic Station. We'll face down El Guapo together using the strategy from "Amigos! Amigos! Amigos!". Bring your friends and family, including dogs. If you can't come, you can still join TEAM 33 or contribute in any way you'd like. AND YOU CAN SPREAD THE WORD! For more information on joining TEAM 33 or contributing, please follow the link below:
Join TEAM 33. Sign up. Spread the word to your friends and family. Join us at the walk. Give a few bucks for a great cause. Every person who joins TEAM 33 will receive a private, personal serenade from yours truly of Lionel Richie's "Three Times a Lady." And we'll have cake.
And visit http://team33arthritiswalk.blogspot.com/ for more.
If you have any questions about how incredibly awesome TEAM 33 is, give me a call or send me an email. Thanks again!

And for over 47,000,000 Americans, Arthritis is their El Guapo. But you can spend the next 24 hours sewing a mariachi costume and meet me at Atlantic Station. We'll face down El Guapo together using the strategy from "Amigos! Amigos! Amigos!". Bring your friends and family, including dogs. If you can't come, you can still join TEAM 33 or contribute in any way you'd like. AND YOU CAN SPREAD THE WORD! For more information on joining TEAM 33 or contributing, please follow the link below:
Join TEAM 33. Sign up. Spread the word to your friends and family. Join us at the walk. Give a few bucks for a great cause. Every person who joins TEAM 33 will receive a private, personal serenade from yours truly of Lionel Richie's "Three Times a Lady." And we'll have cake.
And visit http://team33arthritiswalk.blogspot.com/ for more.
If you have any questions about how incredibly awesome TEAM 33 is, give me a call or send me an email. Thanks again!
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