Thirteen is a number that can either be horrible or kind of awesome. There is no in-between. If nothing else, 13 is not boring. Let's do this either/or style:
Horrible 13: Friday the 13th. It's unlucky. And the movies aren't very good. Not even for campiness.
Awesome 13: Thirteen original American colonies, 13 stripes on the American flag.
Horrible 13: Apollo 13. Failed to get to the moon, and, as you may recall from an earlier missive, letting the moon get the best of us is unacceptable. The movie was OK, I guess.
Awesome 13: The age Jewish boys become men, leading to very fun parties where dancing goofily is praised instead of mocked (a welcome respite for most 8th graders).

Awesome 13: Wilt Chamberlain's jersey number, and 13 * 13 * 13 * 13 = the estimated number of conquests by the Stilt. We're believing that hilarious claim, right?
Horrible 13: Loki, the shape-shifting 13th God of Norse myth, whose sole role is mischief making. He fights against the other Gods at Ragnarok. That's just dumb.
Awesome 13: The extra donut you get when you order a dozen.
Horrible 13: The number associated with Judas, as the 13th to sit at the table at the Last Supper.

Horrible 13: The confusion architects must feel when forced to number the floors of skyscrapers with the 13 missing.
Awesome 13: Julius Caesar commanding the 13th Legion when crossing the Rubicon and jacta-ing the alea.
Horrible 13: The Thirteenth Warrior, a film about vikings starring Antonio Banderas that was simply not as bloody, brutal or interesting as it should've been. The wimpiest Mastodon song makes this movie cry.
Awesome 13: I mentioned Olivia Wilde already, didn't I? Well, howsabout Big Star's tune "Thirteen". Remember what we said about Paint it Black? Rock n roll is here to stay!
OK. I'm calling it a draw. 13 can be kind of awesome. 13 can be truly awful. 33 is only awesome. Therefore, 33 > 13.
Join TEAM 33. If you can join us for the Walk at Atlantic Station on May 22, please do! Bring your friends and family, including dogs. If you can't come, you can still join TEAM 33 or contribute in any way you'd like. For more information on joining TEAM 33 or contributing, please follow the link below:
Join TEAM 33. Sign up. Spread the word to your friends and family. Join us at the walk. Give a few bucks for a great cause. Jam out to the Black Eyed Peas' "I Gotta Feeling" at a Bar Mitzvah for awesomeness. And we'll have cake.
These emails are about to become threats unless you JOIN TEAM 33!
If you have any questions about how incredibly awesome TEAM 33 is, give me a call or send me an email. Thanks again!
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