Tonight I was trying to get in the mood for 16, so I watched the recent ESPN 30 for 30 documentary "The 16th Man," about the 1995 Rugby World Cup in South Africa (recently made famous in the Clint Eastwood movie "Invictus." The program was quite good, and there was something about it that hit home a concept that's been rattling around in my head this week. What makes man different from the rest of the animal kingdom? Is it opposable thumbs, technology, shame? No, I think what might separate us from the wild is the ability of man to choose to do things that may not be in his or her self interest, but is in the interest of mankind. Collective considerations that overcome individual needs or wants. It's what Mandela did in 1995, promoting the Springboks, even with their association with Afrikaner South Africa and with the personal anger he must have felt towards a regime that imprisoned him for decades, for the purpose of showing the country that unity was possible.
Every day people make choices to help others, even when those choices hurt themselves. Of course, there's an argument that there can be no such thing as an act that helps others which is against self interest, because of the inherent benefit one derives from helping others. But is that a construct we've created ourselves? Has the historic, cultural, religious structure of humanity made us all believe that helping others is good for us, per se? And if so, has that structure done so in humanity's own self interest? If a rising tide raises all boats, what if all the world's captains conspired to convince every molecule of water that they'd feel better if they'd creep inland, even if doing so would hurt an individual molecule by all objective measures?

A-ha! Now I've bored you. But maybe, just maybe, you're thinking about doing something to help others? Well, if so, think about joining TEAM 33 or contributing. You'll help make a difference in the lives of more than 45 million Americans. You'll help the half a million American kids with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis. And yes, doing so might not really be selfless. You probably know and love someone who is fighting arthritis pain right now. Working to find cures for these diseases could mean that you never have to face that someday.
OK, that's enough real talk for today. On to the meaningless...
16 is a part of the name of the two worst television shows in the history of MTV: "My Super Sweet 16" and "16 and Pregnant." But it is also a part of the MTV original TV movie "My Super Psycho Sweet 16," directed by friend of TEAM 33 Jacob Gentry and filmed here in Atlanta.
There are 16 ounces in a tallboy beer. Tallboys are good if you are in the mood to drink quickly, but if not the second half gets just stale and hot.

Alright, that's about enough for tonight. Seems like 16 has a lot of good and bad in it. Perhaps I didn't need to go on so long for such a meh number. Less ethical discussions in the future, I promise.
Join TEAM 33. If you can join us for the Walk at Atlantic Station on May 22, please do! Bring your friends and family, including dogs. If you can't come, you can still join TEAM 33 or contribute in any way you'd like. For more information on joining TEAM 33 or contributing, please follow the link below:
Join TEAM 33. Sign up. Spread the word to your friends and family. Join us at the walk. Give a few bucks for a great cause. And we'll have cake.
A lot less excitement today. Like, 40 fewer exclamation points today than normal. I guess I'll have to make up for that here. JOIN TEAM 33!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you have any questions about how incredibly awesome TEAM 33 is, give me a call or send me an email. Thanks again!
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