Mark your calendars for Arthritis Walk Atlanta - May 22, 2010, 10:00 AM at Atlantic Station. Come take part in a 1 or 3 mile walk to raise awareness and help find a cure for arthritis and the dozens of arthritis-related diseases. All ages and ability level are welcome. If you can't make it, your support would be greatly appreciated! Arthritis is the number one cause of disability for American adults and affects over 45 million people. Chances are that you or someone very close to you has a form of arthritis. Every day the Arthritis Foundation is working to improve the lives of people with arthritis and get closer to a cure. We can definitely use your help!We make it easy for you to help out. Join my team, Team 33 by following the link below:
WHY "TEAM 33"???
Well... there is another reason why May 22 is pretty much the most important day in the history of earth. That's right - it's my 33rd birthday. And I'm throwing a party that just so happens to be scheduled at 10 AM at Atlantic Station. How can you turn this down? A good cause and you get to hang out with me on my birthday. Two birds with one stone!
So if you can come to walk, sign up for TEAM 33 and join me. If you can't come, we'd love for you to support us any way you can! And if you don't want to come walk with us or support us, well, I'll just have to bother you with emails like this for 32 more days. So the countdown begins.
33. A nice round number. A great number for a Team you know you want to be a part of.

33. A number greatness is drawn to. Larry Bird, Basketball Legend, proudly displayed the number for his Hall of Fame career. Same with stonewalling goalkeeper Patrick Roy, German soccer gadfly Jurgen Klinsmann and Atlanta Falcons workhorse running back Michael Turner. And of course knows that 33 is the current jersey number of the Diesel, the Big Aristotle, the Big Galactus, Wilt Chamberneezy, the Big Baryshnikov, and yes, the one guy I would like to hang out with pretty much more than anyone else on earth - Shaquille O'Neal.

33. A mystical number. The old Schoolhouse Rock song said 3 was a magic number, so two threes must be, like, double magic. And double magic is something so powerful science cannot compete with it. 33 is also the number of degrees in Freemasonry. It's the year Hobbits come of age. And the number of cantos in each canticle of Dante's Divine Comedy. There is a mysterious power in the number. And for those of you looking forward to the finale of "LOST" (the day right after Arthritis Walk Atlanta!), you know not to mess around with mysteriously powerful numbers.
Basically, 33 is the best number ever. Masons, Shaq, beer? I mean, seriously, is there another number that can compete? Not likely.
Become a part of this. You too can rule. You too can feast with me and the heroes in Valhalla.
All you have to do is join TEAM 33. Sign up. Join us at the walk. Give a few bucks for a great cause. We'll have cake. Here's the link again:
I promise that I will not send you these rambling emails once you sign up (unless you want me to). If that's not enough of a reason to join TEAM 33... well... hmm... I guess I'll have to come up with something better then. And when I do, your mind will be blown. In the meantime, JOIN TEAM 33!!!
If you have any questions about how incredibly awesome TEAM 33 is, give me a call or send me an email.
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